What was wrong with my music taste?
I used to listen to a lot more Geometry Dash-focused music but I've switched over to less of that and more Electronica, though the Geometry Dash music hasn't gone away (my top artist is MaelouX, a Newgrounds artist. I have over 10,000 plays on his music.)
I'm just kind of surprised I used to listen to things like xStep unironically. That's all my thoughts for today.
This is my dish blog! I love dishes!
A recent discovery: T-FREE
Recently, I was looking to find the origin of a song that was used in a popular Geometry Dash custom level: CYCLOLCYC.
The song used is called "Arcanoid" by an artist named "Cyclone".
A quick search leads you to this video. This one does not have much information, so I looked further and found a video that shows that the song was released in 2008. Searching for it on Discogs confirms it was released in 2008, along with 2 other songs, "Lets Get Ill" and "Turning Science".
You can also see that the label for the song is something called "T-FREE". When I was originally searching for the song origin, I passed it off as some random defunct label. I should not have done this. A little bit of scrolling on Google results sends me to this archive, which sends me to T-FREE's website.
To quote this information file:
T-FREE is a free netlabel for technoid Drum & Bass/Techno-DNB/Neurofunk, a sister label of Tilt-Recordings created and run by DJ Hektik (Trio-Music crew).
Most of these appear to be made around 2006-2009. All of them are in 320kbps. There's around 250 songs.
250. Free. Songs. That nobody knows about.
Anyways, to conclude my search, here's the origin of Arcanoid and some info about Cyclone from here:
T-FREE-3EP025 Released 2008-04-03
Cyclone - "Let's Get Ill" 06:59 min mp3 (320 kbps, 16.3 mb) Finished 2007
Cyclone - "Turning Science" 06:57 min mp3 (320 kbps, 16.3 mb) Finished 2008
Cyclone - "Arcanoid" 06:15 min mp3 (320 kbps, 14.6 mb) Finished 2008
Cyclone is a quite active newcomer from northern Germany. He came from playing guitar to producing and deejaying Drum & Bass around the millenium, and today he hosts a bi-monthly event on two floors entitled "Hight Tension" and a weekly webradioshow under the same flag. Also, he has recently started his own netlabel "Anxiety Disorder".
As far as I've been able to find, the only things I can find from Cyclone are an old MySpace page and a SoundCloud with a strange compilation track that includes none of the songs mentioned.
Although, this has been something pretty cool to look into!
Tags: music
Navidrome is cool I think
Alright, so a while ago I created myself a Navidrome server because I find it useful. Navidrome is a selfhostable music server and alternative to things like Spotify.
I can listen to music (shocker). I like being able to add my own metadata.
It also scrobbles to ListenBrainz which is pretty cool.
I also found a nice client called Feishin that looks similar to Spotify, and Sonixd, which has a Discord Rich Presence.
Anyways, Navidrome is cool I think.
Tags: music
No time
Recently, I've had a few ideas for new comics on kitproj.com yet I haven't found time to go through with anything. I have a bit of a dilemma.
I have so much schoolwork and so many ideas, I can never balance my priorities. I think I need to start organizing notes more. No big rant today, just some thought I guess.
Tags: comics
Things I’ve Done

Currently, it is offline because I’m not hosting it anywhere. However, the code is available on GitHub.
I added various updates and fixes to the NOUNBLOX source code.
I made a text-based bash game inspired by old BBS games called Main, however it’s not great. I don’t like this one as much so I’m not linking to it. It’s not good.

I also made a Hacker News clone in PHP that I have yet to publicize.
Tags: development
Blog post
This is my first blog post. made with bashblog
Tags: test, development